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The Alpha Course




The Alpha course is an opportunity for anyone to explore the Christian faith and question the meaning of life. It’s relaxed, low key, friendly and fun. Listen, learn, discuss and discover. And ask anything.  Over the series of nine Tuesday evening sessions, you'll find out about the basics of the Christian faith. Each session involves a meal, main talk and a chance to say what you think. 

(over 22 million people worldwide have already tried Alpha!) 



 Sophia's Story                                                Bear Grylls on Alpha
















The Topics:


                                             Week 1 –         Is there more to life than this?

                                             Week 2 –         Who is Jesus?

                                             Week 3 –         Why did Jesus die?

                                             Week 4 –         How can I have faith?

                                             Week 5 –         Why and how do I pray?

                                             Week 6 –         Why and how should I read the bible?

                                             Week 7 –         How can I resist evil?

                                             Week 8 –         Does God heal today?

                                             Week 9 –         Why and how should I tell others and what about the church?





The Alpha course looks at a series of topics. After a time to eat together, there will be a short presentation, followed by a time of informal discussion in small groups. You don’t have to come to the whole course – just pop along for the first night and see what you think.


Begins: Tuesday 8th September 2015 at 7:15pm


Running every Tuesday evening at 7:15pm


Concludes: Tuesday 3rd November 2015





Coastlands Church

Sidney Walter Centre

Sussex Road


BN11 1DS

















The Alpha Course is open to anyone and is free.

As the course includes a meal and course literature, it is helpful for us to know numbers,

you can pre-register your place on the course, using the form below.



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